Fit Republik Sports Centre

f1 f2 f3 f4 f5「Fit Republik Sports Centre」は、専門家及びアマチュアのためのフィットネスコミュニティーとしてドバイにオープンした。二つの既存建築をリノベーションして出来上がったこの総合運動施設は、この種の施設としてはドバイで最大の規模となる9000㎡の広さを持つ。
インテリアデザインのコンセプトは、スポーツマンシップの場としてのFit Rebublikの本来の機能性を反映して、工業製品のような美しさを基にしている。工業的ではあるものの、空間に馴染んだ見た目となるよう、未加工またはリサイクルされた素材を活用している。剥き出しのコンクリート、塩水で錆を出した鉄、古材、麻のロープなどの素材、古本、コンテナ、アップサイクル家具といったアイテム、そして特注の照明器具と巨大なアートインスタレーションが空間を構成している。
Fit Republikは、湾曲した天井を持つ二つのビルで成り立つ。一方にはオリンピック競技用のスイミングプール、更衣室、小売店舗と管理オフィスがあり、他方には、重量挙げ、体操、武術、ランニングマシンやエアロバイク、ヨガやピラティス等、プロのアスリートのための設備を備えたエリートゾーンがある。二つのビルは、間に立つ建物でつながっており、ここがメインエントランスとしても機能している。カフェは光の溢れる広々したつくりで、コンクリートの床やリサイクル煉瓦の壁が工業的なテーマを引き継いだ。
Fit Republikを機能と美しさの両面で成功させるため、さまざまな種目のプロのトレーナーに助言を求め、最高のトレーニング効果が発揮されるように設計している。(Aedas Interiors)

Fit Republik Sports Centre
所在地:The Academies, Dubai Sports City, Dubai, UAE
設計:Aedas Interiors


Fit Republik has opened its doors as a fitness community of experts and amateurs. With a built up area of 9,000 square metres, it is the largest sports facility of its kind in Dubai. Aedas Interiors have converted two existing buildings into a world class mixed-use sports facility.
The interior design concept was based around a raw, industrial aesthetic which reflects the functional nature of Fit Republik as a place of real sportsmanship. All services are exposed and finishes are stripped down and minimal. To deliver this industrial yet slick looking interior, Aedas Interiors utilised raw and recycled materials in the form of exposed concrete, salt water rusted mild steel, reclaimed timber, hemp ropes, recycled bricks, shipping crate offices and up-cycled furniture, complemented by the use of large scale bespoke light features and oversized art installations.
Key features include a bespoke wall installation in the entrance lobby which looks as though a giant has punched it, lighting features installed into galvanised duct work which snake their way throughout the facility and a double height art wall feature using re-cycled yoga mats hooked onto timber rungs. All art installations were chosen to add a sense of fun, life and colour to the interior whilst imparting inspirational slogans and instilling subliminal messages to the users.
Fit Republik occupies two large curved roof buildings, one of which houses an Olympic swimming pool, changing rooms, a retail shop and the administrative office; and the other contains the Elite Zone for professional athletes, Olympic weightlifting stations, Olympic gymnastics, mixed martial arts, cross-fit, cardio and spinning, yoga and pilates facilities. A smaller building connects the two and serves as the main entrance.
The main fitness area including the Elite Zone, weightlifting stations and gym has a raw and edgy quality with unfinished surfaces, rubber and concrete flooring. Coloured, projected lights are used to highlight the rough concrete finish of the columns. Exposed service jostle with strip lighting concealed inside ductwork casings and coloured, racy neon highlight the circulation path from the gym to the café, changing rooms, mixed martial arts zone and studios.
The mixed martial arts zone occupies a double height volume underneath the curved roof with dynamic graphics on the floor, delineating the various disciplines of boxing, grappling, wrestling and judo.
The mezzanine floor above houses the gymnastics and cardio studio. Edge protection is provided in the form of jute ropes secured to the roof and floor. The ductwork runs containing the strip lighting penetrate through the adjacent gym area and turn 90 degrees to provide continuity in the lighting theme of the mixed martial arts zone.
The cardio and spinning studios are spacious glass walled rooms. Printed quotes and words are mounted on the glass to provide privacy. The ceiling lighting is a series of overlapping halos reminiscent of spinning bicycle wheels.
The café is voluminous and light filled. The industrial theme is continued with a concrete floor, recycled brick walls, black iron gates and wall murals by a local artist.
To ensure both functional and aesthetic success, Aedas Interiors consulted professional trainers from multiple sports disciplines to achieve the highest quality of sports provision. (Aedas Interiors)

Fit Republik Sports Centre
Location:The Academies, Dubai Sports City, Dubai, UAE
Design:Aedas Interiors
Building area:9000㎡


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