
「馬嶋屋菓子道具店」は、神田万世橋にあった馬嶋喜三郎商店(日本最古の菓子道具専門店)から、現社長の祖父である吉田三郎が屋号を引き継ぎ昭和26年に創業した。現在は浅草本願寺のすぐそば、浅草通りからかっぱ橋道具街に入り徒歩3分ほどの場所に店舗を構え、菓子道具の専門店として和洋中問わず様々な商品が取り揃えられている。また、馬嶋屋で木型を彫って60年以上の木型職人(大河原仁氏 2019年逝去)が彫る「木型」は全国のお菓子屋さんからも絶大な人気を誇り、多くの人に笑顔を届けてきた。


設計:カミトペン 吉田昌弘 石井嘉恵


Majimaya Kashidouguten(confectionary tool & gear shop) transitioned from the oldest confectionary tool store in Japan located in Manseibashi, Kanda to its current form after the grandfather of the current president, Saburo Yoshida, inherited the business and established it in 1951. Now, its shop is located about 3 minutes from the entrance to Kappabashi Street off of Asakusa Street, just next to the Honganji Temple at Asakusa. It offers a wide range of professional products for confectionary creation, including western and Japanese tools. It also offers molds incredibly popular with Japanese confectionary makers and carved by a professional mold maker (Mr. Jin Okgawara, passed away in 2019) with 60 years of carving experience who brought a smile to many faces.
As such, we designed the store based on a theme of “joyous shapes,” aiming to bring joy to people through the shape of confectionary. There were 3000 “shapes” we wanted to show. We needed to show them all to the customers without undue stress while also ensuring smooth operations for the staff. Further, the building also came with the problem that we couldn’t use the basement or any floors above the second floor. To solve these problems despite the limited space, we placed the emergency stairs, required under the Building Standards Act in the middle of the building. We planned to create a display for the 3000 molds by placing fence mesh around the stairs up to the vaulted ceiling. Placing 3000 metal boxes around that and organizing each display area with a number, we designed a space where staff could easily retrieve the customer’s desired product from storage with just a number. By creating a mezzanine between the floors, customers naturally travel up and down the stairs while searching for the molds. All the floors are designed to naturally connect together, solving the problems unique to a shopping arcade store, where some floors can be left un-used.
We used COR-TEN® steel, which grows stronger year are year, as an appropriate material for the exterior of this business, which has continued for over 100 years.
We hope that this store brings smiles to the faces of people all around Japan through the art of confectionary making. (Masahiro Yoshida / KAMITOPEN)


【Majimaya Kashidouguten】
Address: 2-5-4, Nishi-asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Open: Oct. 7th, 2019
Design: KAMITOPEN Masahiro Yoshida Yoshie Ishii
Floor area: 200㎡
Photo: Keisuke Miyamoto


“马嶋屋(Mashimaya)点心模具店”,于1951年创业, 自神田万世桥的马嶋喜三郎商店(日本最古老的点心模具专卖店)起算, 由现任社长的祖父吉田三郎先生继承商店的名称营业至今。现在的店铺位于浅草本愿寺附近,由浅草街转入合羽桥道具街后步行约3分钟的地方,作为点心模具的专卖店,有各种各样的日式、西式和中式产品。此外,在马嶋屋从事木头雕刻工作60余年的木匠师父(大河原仁先生于2019年去世)所雕刻的木纹图案在全国的点心店中广受欢迎,给许多人带来了欢笑。
因此,在这里,我们根据“点心的类型”以让人们感到快乐的含意“喜型”为设计主题。我们想展现的“类型”有3000种。除了要让顾客在没有压力的情况下好好观赏, 并且还要让负责运作的员工不感到负担。再加上,包括解决商店所在位置, 没有妥善利用建筑物的地下室和二楼以上空间的这种全国性的拱廊商店街并遍存在的问题。
建筑外立面与将再持续经营100年以上的“ 马嶋屋点心模具店”相匹配,采用了即使经年变化, 却能使材料产生更坚韧的抗腐蚀能力的耐候钢所制成。


设计:KAMITOPEN 吉田昌弘 石井嘉惠

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