Mar y Tierra

Mar-y-Tierra_nishinomiya_001Mar-y-Tierra_nishinomiya_008 Mar-y-Tierra_nishinomiya_01111 Mar-y-Tierra_nishinomiya_015 Mar-y-Tierra_nishinomiya_002 「Mar y Tierra」(マル・イ・ティエラ)は、スペインの料理とワインを提供するレストランです。その建物は、長い裏路地の突き当たりに、高い視認性を携えて佇んでいます。スペインの建物には、時の流れと共に用途が変わり、それが明らかに建物の外部、あるいは全体に現れ、古さと新しさが上手に共存している面白い物件が多々あります。今回はそんなスペインの現在にインスピレーションを受け、デザインしていきました。

「Mar y Tierra」
設計:ドイルコレクション 井上愛之

“Mar y Tierra” is a restaurant serving Spanish cuisine and wine. In the end of a long back street in a town, the restaurant is located with a high visibility. There are many interesting old buildings in which the old and new are coexisting in Spain. Those buildings have passed through a long time and their use has been changed. You can clearly see the changes appealing on the façade or the entire building. We got inspirations from present Spain and designed the restaurant. The building was stand-alone and two-story. In order to give a strong impression, we complemented a missing part of the wall and made it in one large flat face. But we also wanted to emphasize to add the new idea to the existing building so differentiated materials and lightings. This is the realization of above-mentioned inspiration and the maximization of a potential of the building. We newly created an inside double-height structure which can connect 1st floor, open kitchen and group seats, and 2nd floor, main dining space. This idea added an iconic character to the restaurant and overwhelmed the disadvantage of reduction of the number of guest seats on the 2nd floor. The entire design image is based on “Taberna” -which means a restaurant in Spanish- and “a wine cellar”. We adopted warm materials, eliminated too much brand-new images and assembled unchangeable contemporary air in the essence to rouse guest’s interest. (Aiji Inoue/Doyle Collection)

【Mar y Tierra】
Location:9-29, Ikeda-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, Japan
Open:October 19th, 2013
Designer:Doyle Collection  Aiji Inoue
Floor area:101㎡ (1F 50.1㎡、2F 50.9㎡)
Capacity:44 Seats (1F 16 seats、 2F 28 seats)
Photo:Nacasa & Partners

Mar y Tierra

Doyle Collection

Nacasa & Partners



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