- オフィス「フィアット クライスラー ジャパン」
- 所在地:東京都港区芝
- 開設:2012年7月1日
- 設計:株式会社 インターオフィス 吉田裕美佳+米倉則明
- 床面積:1050㎡
- Photo:ナカサ&パートナーズ
Car producers, Fiat group and Chrysler group, integrated their offices in Japan into one place after their business merger. Italian and American, two different cultures and histories, and the integration of two companies’ identities, these were the themes of this unprecedented project. We realized an office space which pursued the modality of a global company in this age. The design concept is “Green” and “Play”. We did not intentionally put their brand colors in all areas and did put many designs which remind you the nature beyond the culture that results in creating a comfortable and “green” space. We sprinkled relaxing and cozy spaces which includes an element of “play” in a whole workplace where workers can contact each other and then create a new communication. The workplace as a wide open space does not have any object which block someone’s view and is set by windows therefore workers can enjoy natural light. We also created a small hill in a good viewing location where you can see who works where and how. An aim of putting many plants in a working floor and reflecting designs which evoke the nature to a space and products is to achieve the green and comfortable space. Regarding a layout of a work station, we intentionally made a traffic line complicated by placing meeting tables and sofas with random angles on grid modules. These attempts increase opportunities of encounters and activate movement of the human body by sprinkling meeting points which create streams of workers in the office. A lounge room where everyone can take a rest also functions as a symbol of a corporate identity and brand image, a device of inner branding and keeping high motivation, and a space for a discussion or relaxing. By placing sofas and a table in the center and creating a comfortable atmosphere similar to being at home, we created new communications which seldom happen on desks or in usual working scenes. The wide varieties of communications in an organization provide a lot of opportunities for workers to face their company’s culture and history. (interoffice)
- Office【Fiat Chrysler Japan】
- Location:Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- Open:July 1st, 2012
- Designer:interoffice Yumika Yoshida + Noriaki Yonekura
- Floor area:1050㎡
- Photo:Nacasa & Partners
- フィアット クライスラー ジャパン
- http://fiatchrysler.jp/
- インターオフィス
- http://www.interoffice.co.jp/
- Nacasa & Partners
- http://www.nacasa.co.jp