Sushi Rei





カウンターの材に日本からヒノキを取り寄せる一方で、この土地で手に入る素材、得意な工法を取り入れ、日本にある鮨店の再現とは異なるアプローチで高いクオリティーの鮨に相応しい空間を目指した。(近森 穣/07BEACH)


「Sushi Rei」
所在地:District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
設計:07BEACH 近森 穣
Photo:大木宏之 /Decon Photo Studio


It started from the concept to make a Sushi restaurant that provides truly real Japanese Sushi made by highly skilled Sushi Chef.
Prioritizing guest’s higher satisfaction rather than achieving more seats, removed the existing upstairs to make a high ceiling one-story, composed only 8 counter seats main-building and a new-built annex.
By separating the main-building and the annex by the pond, the annex private-room is emphasized its value as visible but inaccessible.
The sloping over the pond connects the counter to the annex only for service.
While ordering cypress from Japan, aimed the difference from a copying typical Sushi restaurant by using local materials and techniques. (Joe Chikamori / 07BEACH)


【Sushi Restaurant】
Location:District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Open:Oct. 30th, 2015
Design:07BEACH Joe Chikamori
Floor area:79.2㎡
Capacity:16 seats (Main hall 8 seats + Annex 8 seats)
Photo:Hiroyuki Oki /Decon Photo Studio


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