ウッドバーニンググリル リグニス





グローバルダイニングの新業態「ウッドバーニンググリル リグニス」は、アメリカ・西海岸から直輸入した回転式薪火グリル機で料理を提供するディナーレストランです。恵比寿駅東口から続くバス通りに面したビルの1階にあり、「裏恵比寿」と呼ばれるエリアに位置します。テナント躯体の床面積は34坪と大きくはありませんが、5m弱もある天井高が広がりを感じさせると共にラスティックな魅力を備えています。


ウッドバーニンググリル リグニス
所在地:東京都渋谷区恵比寿4-27-1 pagoda SKビル 1F
設計:グローバルダイニング 樋口琢匠
アートワーク:グローバルダイニング 佐久間美智夫
ディスプレイ:グローバルダイニング 中里文香


This is the restaurant which uses imported grill machines with natural wood fires. The machines are directly imported from the West Coast of the United States. The floor area is 105.76 square meters, not so big, but the around 5 meters ceiling height gives a broadening and rustic characteristics to the store.
The floor plan is a simple structure consisted of guest seats space and kitchen space. Two scenes, dinning and cooking, are united and can be seen as a single view because of the open kitchen style. Although we balanced the open kitchen with the enough numbers of seats and spaces, it made less space for other objects, fixture, and displays. In order to solve this problem, we adopted a three-dimensional structure, making use of the high ceiling height. Catwalks are newly created above the guest seats floor and the space achieved layers. This catwalks layer has objects that show the store’s brand image, wine bottle shelves, book shelves, audio equipment, and swing windows to set the mood for the dinner. “Horizontal sequence to the open kitchen” and “Vertical sequence for the material brand image” coexist and create a synergetic effect. (Takuomi Higuchi / GLOBAL-DINING)


Wood Burning Grill L’IGNIS
Location:pagoda SK Bld. 1F, 4-27-1, Ebisu, Sibuya-ku, Tokyo
Open:May. 2nd, 2016
Design:GLOBAL-DINING INC. Takuomi Higuchi
Art work:GLOBAL-DINING INC. Michio Sakuma
Display:GLOBAL-DINING INC. Fumika Nakazato
Floor area:105.76㎡ (including kitchen area 27.36㎡)
Capacity:50 seats
Photo:Nacasa & Partners

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