


戦火を逃れた京都には、古都の資源を連綿と受け継ぐ、暮らしの文化が存在します。それが形として今も色濃く残るのが京町家です。坪庭や虫籠窓等、自然に向き合い、環境と共生する知恵がそこにはありました。 昔ながらの箱階段を活かした大判陶版を壁に使用したキッチンスペース。箔と和紙の提灯のシルエットが映える、久住氏の左官で仕上げたダイニング。掻き落としの土壁と和紙のきめ細やかな質感のコントラストが特徴の和室。水と山をモチーフとしたモダンなデザインの唐紙の壁が目を惹く離れ等、たくさんの作家や職人の方々と協力し、京町家の文化的な要素は活かしながら、新しいものを取り入れた一棟貸しの宿となっています。(間宮吉彦/インフィクス、文責BAMBOO)


設計:インフィクス 間宮吉彦
協力:左官/久住有生 襖絵/島田由子 アート/STUDIO SAWADA DESIGN 版画/野田版画工房



In an old city Kyoto, which haven’t suffered from the fires of war, there still continue to exist a traditional culture of living. That can be vividly found in Kyomachiya. Spot garden or small window with a fine lattice are legacies of wisdom that let people to face the nature and live together with it. Making use of understair space, we created a practical kitchen with large ceramic tiles for its wall. Walls of the dining space are finished by a plaster master, Mr. Kusumi where a silhouette of partially gilded paper lantern contrast favorably with. The guest room is Japanese style and has a beautiful contrast of clay and Japanese paper in its wall. The annex has walls covered by China origin specific Japanese paper that depicts water and mountain in a modern style. “Masarigusa” inn, that rents the entire house, is completed with a lot of cooperation from artists and craftsmen, making use of Kyoto’s traditional cultures yet taking in many new things. (Yoshihiko Mamiya / infix)


Location:109, Okiku-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Open:Dec. 2016
Design:infix design inc. Yoshihiko Mamiya
Cooperation:Plaster/Naoki Kusumi, Door painting/Yoshiko Shimada, Art works/STUDIO SAWADA DESIGN, Engraving/NODA print motif workshop, etc.
Floor area:98㎡
Floor composition:2 stories
Photo:Yasunori Shimomura

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